Her name is: Megan Coppolino

In Screaming Hallway Girl, you're the chick who: Plays the Bass and does some back vocals.

Screaming Hallway Girl is wicked awesome because: We're hot and we have catchy tunes

Name any band that you'd like Screaming Hallway Girl to play with: turbonegro!

Whats the best part of being in Screaming Hallway Girl: We all like to have a blast, its fun times.

What are you doing when you're not rocking out: I'm in first year at mac, doing the humanities deal. I have a job too, I teach kids dancing!

Favourite colour: Green like grass.

Favourite food: Mcdonald's icecream cones.

Guilty pleasure: I like Lisa Loeb's music, and I'm not ashamed....

Her all-time IDOL is: David Bowie!

When she grows up she wants to be a Rock Star and: a cowgirl

Her number one fan goes by the name of: Shawn Baldry

Her favourite Muppet is: The Swedish Chef.

Name three things that put you in the mood to 'rawk the cack': uhm.. silly french accents, lights on trees, and hideous glasses.